Frisco College Consulting

Giving back to the Frisco community by helping students with the daunting college application process.

Frisco College Consulting is an admissions counseling company that aids students with the process of applying to and preparing for undergraduate institutions, including SAT/ACT test prep, essay editing and revision, college interviews, resume help, and even scholarship applications.


College Applications Overview

Do you have questions on where and when to apply, how many colleges to apply to, or even just what all the college vocabulary means? Talk with one of our consultants to answer your questions and map out your college applications journey!

College Exam

College Exam Prep

Are you struggling with the ACT or SAT college entrance exams? Schedule a one-on-one tutoring session with one of our consultants!

Essay Editing (Essay Revision)

Essay Help

Not sure what final revisions to make before submitting your essay to colleges? Or just having trouble deciding how to start writing? Either way, you can schedule a consultation or send our consultants your essay for revision!

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College Interviews

Have questions about what to talk about or how to prepare physically and mentally for a college interview? Feeling stressed out? Contact us to get help from someone who’s been through the process!

Resume Editing (Resume Revision)

Resume Workshop

Whatever it is, from narrowing down your information to a page to how to clearly and concisely present yourself well, our consultants are here to help you perfect your cover letters and resumes.

Scholarship Applications

Scholarship Applications

No matter what you are applying for, our consultants can help you adapt your writing to what the selection committee is looking for!

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